
Love is more than a feeling. Love is a way of living. Love demands action. One of the ways that we can live our love and give feet to our prayers is through advocacy.

Visit this page to view action alerts from us, our Covenant Partners, and other groups committed to protecting our planet and fostering a strong, loving community in the Southern Blue Ridge.

Never doubt that your voice matters. Together, we can love the planet and our neighbors well.

CCA summer intern Liz Richardson (left) and Director Sarah Ogletree (right) before the NCUC hearing on the proposed carbon plan (2022).
CCA summer intern Liz Richardson (left) and Director Sarah Ogletree (right) before the NCUC hearing on the proposed carbon plan (2022).

Support The REDUCE Act to Cut Down on Plastic Waste

Contact Congress to let them know that you support The REDUCE Act, introduced by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressman Lloyd Doggett. This important bill outlines a strategy to reduce plastic…

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Urge Your Senators to Recover America’s Wildlife

The Senate stands at a pivotal juncture to enact a law that could secure essential support and funding for our country’s wildlife, ensuring the sustainability of diverse species. The bipartisan…

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Call on Ingles, Walmart, Target, CVS, and other businesses to stop using disposable, single-use plastics.

Single-use plastics clog up Western North Carolina’s rivers and streams and break down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics. Once in waterways, these microplastics are consumed by aquatic life…

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